Kungsleden Day Two

Day 2 - Ammarnäs to Adolfström, 45.5 miles

What a day! Started at 2am, walked above treeline with a red sunrise and silhouettes of reindeer everywhere, got dumped on by rain for most of the morning, walked through some magical forests reminiscent of Long Trail in Vermont (with autumn colors already starting to show!), then very difficult footing making the second half of the day very challenging. Lots of mud, bogs, rocks, and roots. I was running on fumes by the time I got to the little lake town of Adolfström. I had already decided I’d stop there about 14 miles before arriving. A 58 mile day was not happening. Here I found a cabin and a small grocery store. Provisions for tomorrow’s hike include fresh homemade bread, homemade pastries, prosciutto, Brie, and a large variety of Swedish candy. Oh and microwave Swedish meatballs and mashed potatoes with gravy for dinner. I love it here. Onward!


Kungsleden Day Three


Kungsleden Day One