Kungsleden Day One

Day 1 - Hemavan to Ammarnäs

Today went as well I could have hoped!

The scenery was incredibly beautiful. Most of the day was above treeline. It is really very remote out here! I can’t wait to share more photos and videos but here’s a few for now, below. I made it to the grocery store for tomorrow’s resupply with about 20 minutes to spare. Living on the edge!

Highs: Getting treated to a beautiful day, being in my happy place (the mountains), having a pretty smooth day.

Lows: Getting chased by a reindeer… with antlers! I survived! And midday my left knee bothered me a little, but then it felt better for the rest of the day. So, something to keep an eye on!

50.6 miles for the day including a grocery stop.

Tomorrow my goal is to get to Jackvik, approximately 58 miles. Ouch! It’s 7pm and I’m eating dinner. I’ll probably get a pretty early start. Their grocery store closes at 8pm and I’ll need to resupply for the following day and a half, so it’s important I make it in time!

Thanks for reading :)


Kungsleden Day Two


Hej from Hemavan!