Thirty-fifth day M 8/10/20

START: Tyringham Main Road  4 amFINISH: Notch Rd.   11:30 pm48 miles    19:30   2.5 mph1,601.9   45.8 mpdContinued nice weatherToday was a good day for  Mercury.Shin splints are almost gone.Toe blisters getting better due to new shoes with wider toe boxes.Feet soreness still there but lessened by new insoles.She moves through the forest with fluidity and she greets her 'fans' along the way (i.e. Dalton, MA, Cheshire, MA) with grace and charm.The Dalton, MA AT Community had nice welcoming signs for Mercury at a road crossing and about a dozen thru-hikers staying at a hostel in town greeted her on the sidewalk with cheers, squirt guns and food. A small trailside business had all their employees outside cheering her on as well.Peter Wells came back again to walk with her at night up and down Greylock (the highest mountain in MA).This AT traverse has been kept pretty low-profile throughout so it is nice to see some of her supporters who have been following the trail dispatches.Onward into Vermont tomorrow and if we meet tomorrow's objective, we will be on a 14-day hike to Katahdin and finishing in under 50 days (White Mt. weather permitting).


Fifth week of Mercury's AT Transit


Thirty-fourth day Su 8/9/20