Twenty-sixth day S 8/1/20
START: North side Susquehanna River 4:30 amFINISH: Rt. 501 9:15 pm44.6 miles 16:45 2.7 mph1,201.5 total miles 46.2 mpdMercury flowed out of July into August by starting at the southern edge of the last Ice Age and moving northward under the many rocks left by its retreat as Jupiter is reminded that climate change is natural.Mercury had hiking companions again for most of the day which has been good for her and an inspiration for the others as she continues to display a positive attitude and a laser focus to the task at hand. She moves gracefully with intense purpose.She has started to run a bit which is encouraging; she fell at dusk and unknowingly lost her headlight in the process (Jupiter found it several hours later around 4am); and, followed the white blazes through a beaver dam pond ( instead of taking a dry detour) getting almost up to her waist in the muck.Onward over rocks of all sizes and shapes!