Thirteenth day 7/19/20

START: 4am   Kimberling CreekFINISH: 9:15pm  Clendennin Rd.48.8 miles     17:15     2.8 mphWarm weather641.4 total miles     49.3 mpdFor the most part, this was a smooth, efficient day of biped movement through the mountains. Fortunately, Mercury's concern about the condition of her stubbed/tripped foot from the evening before was not realized. She still walked most of the day but was able to run more sections so she was able to have a long-anticipated 'normal' office day of 17-18 hours while doing the required daily miles to set a record.Jupiter was able to meet Mercury eight times today so she didn't have to carry much weight/water. He even hiked in almost a mile to set-up his trendy trailside food(foot) truck complete with mosquito music in the background. Later, he did elicit a smile (small and brief as it were) by performing his cheerleader routine complete with 70 y.o old cheerleader 'moves' while waving two pom-poms - actually two plastic bags full of garbage.It is hoped that we can pull off at least 33 more days of this, sans trailside cafes and perky (quirky) cheerleader routines.


Second week of Mercury's AT transit- recap


Twelfth day S 7/19/20