Twelfth day S 7/19/20
START: 4am VA615 (one-room schoolhouse)FINISH: 10:30pm Kimberling Creek49.7 miles 18:30 2.7 mph590.9 total miles 49.2 mpd averageWeather - warm and humidDay started out with wet tall grass and then intestinal distress due to something Mercury ate. After she got that out of her system, the day was going well until she tripped and fell in the early evening. The cut on her knee wasn't too bad - nowhere near the eight staple cut she got below her knee on a prep hike. What concerned her the most was the tripping foot was attached to the shin that had stopped giving her trouble after being patient with it for over a week and she was afraid she would have to go back to 'square one'. We shall see in the morning.Liz's parents were a caring, helping, interested presence this morning before having to leave for home. Jupiter and Mercury say "Thank you!" and Pegasus is wagging its exhaust pipe. (oh wait, Pegasus thinks it's a dog rather than support van.)Which reminds me, today I drove Pegasus up and down mountains on curvy, one lane gravel roads enjoying the adventure. If NASCAR develops a soccer mom van race series on narrow gravel mountain roads, sign me up for the senior division!