Timing is Everything

At the piano, where I’ve been spending most of my time lately!

If there was some kind of award for doing the most things you should not leading up to a marathon, I’m pretty sure I would win! Let’s see… stress, check! Lack of sleep, check! But, I do these things to myself. The way I’m looking at it is: I want to live a rich life full of many experiences, and it’s safe to say I am doing just that. Back in my undergrad we had to take the StrengthsFinder personality test. I’ve taken it a total of three times, and while the results slightly differ each time, one that pops up every time is maximizer. Yep… sounds about right!

So, I feel that I have no business bemoaning that I don’t feel my best going into the Maine Coast Marathon tomorrow. Regardless, I am still excited to get out there and enjoy the experience and do the best that I can, while keeping the big picture in mind (I have bigger fish to fry in Virginia!). Even if I’m not feeling great, I know my body legs have the capacity to carry me to the finish line. I have a really solid season of training under my belt, and that hasn’t gone anywhere. If I were a betting person, I would say the mental battle to keep going will be the toughest part. So, my plan tomorrow is to be conservative in my approach, keep my expectations reasonable, and just enjoy moving forward while enjoying not having to think about anything else (besides remembering to eat and drink).

I’ll be sure to post updates on social media, and a brief recap in the newsletter next week!


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Day One: A Bold Move


The Impending Deluge