Quantitative Recap of Mercury's 2020 transit of the AT
WEEK WHERE MILESa MPDa PACEa TIMEa SLEEPa#1 7/7-13 Springer to Erwin, TN 342.7 48.9 2.7mph 18:06 4 hours#2 7/14-20 Erwin, TN to VA621 344.1 49.1 2.8 18:00 4 hours#3 7/21-27 VA621 to VA602 281.8 40.2 2.4 16:10 6 hours#5 8/4-10 PA191 to Notch Rd. 302.5 43.2 2.5 17:50 5 hours#6 8/11-17 N Rd. - Crawford Notch 256.3 36.6 2.2 15.55 6 hours#7 8/18-24 Crawford Notch-ME15 270.9 38.7 2.2 15:15 6.5 hours
Eight 20+ hour days: 21:50; 21:14; 20:50 (2); 20:15 (2); 20:00 (2)Five 19+ hour days: 19:53; 19:50; 19:30; 19:23; 19:00Eleven 18+ hour days: 18:55 (3); 18:45 (2); 18:35; 18:33; 18:33; 18:30; 18:20: 18:13; 18:0624 days of the 51 full days were over 18 hours of walking each daySix 17+ hour days: 17:55 (2); 17:28; 17:15(2); 17:00Five 16+ hour days: 16:45; 16:36; 16:30 (2); 16:08Eight 15+ hour days: 15:55; 15:50; 15:30; 15:25; 15:17; 15:15; 15:10; 15:05Three 14+ hour days: 14:45; 14:43; 14:1513:03; 12:22; 12:20Three days below 10 hours: 9:57; 8:35; 7:15ENDURANCE! RESILIENCY!51 days 16 hours 30 minutes July 7th Springer midnight to August 27 Katahdin 4:30pm2nd fastest woman's timeFastest NOBO women's time (supported)
Probable records: 1) most time spent walking alone at night (pre-dawn/pre-dusk)2) least amount of hours spent sleeping3) largest age (and weight) disparity between record attemptor and chief support crew - 36 yearsMercury - 34 y.o. for most of the trek Jupiter - 70 y.o( Jupiter pleads the fifth on the weight differential)
Definite record: Most times met by support crew (i.e. Warren Doyle a.ka. Jupiter) 427 times. Always there. Never late. No vehicle mishaps. $450 auction bought 2003 Ford Windstar with 277,000 miles on it.
Jupiter's qualitative recap (i.e refection) to be posted tomorrowMercury's daily itinerary to be available within a weekMercury's reflections will be forthcoming
Once again, Mercury can be contacted at: mercuryontheat@gmail.comJupiter can be contacted at: warrendance@gmail.comAny comments directed to Pegasus will be read to him/her.