Forty-seventh day S 8/22/20
START: Rt. 4 4 amFINISH: Stratton Brook Pond Rd. 7:15pm33 miles 15:15 2.2 mpd2,016.2 total miles 42.9 mpdNice weather - wet trail conditions in the morningAnother good day for Mercury. A welcome 15+ hour day at the office following yesterday's 20+ hour work day.Nice weather for traversing the three miles above timberline on Saddleback and no night-hiking! She looks forward to a normal night of sleep of about 5-6 hours.She still has sore feet, with one big toe considerably bigger. She will have to tough it out for 4.5 more days.Jupiter rides Pegasus carefully over 'officially closed' roads so we don't donate P's belly to the Maine wilderness. Jupiter also walks 4+ miles to bring Mercury her supplies at two different points.Onward to the Bigelows (only 15 more of the 'roughest, toughest miles') and crossing the Kennebec!