Seventeenth day R 7/23/20
START: Punchbowl Crossing 4:35amFINISH: Reids Gap 11:30pm47.4 miles 18:55 2.5 mphHot / Thunderstorms845.6 total miles 49.7 mpd6.3 miles ahead of Jennifer23.5 miles ahead of StringbeanWet feet make for blisters - not too bad, but we have to spend ten minutes each morning dressing them.Long descents of 3,000' can reintroduce shin splints. Mercury's pace was slowed down 2/3's of the way through when she re-injured her left shin on the long descent to the Tye River. She won't be able to run for a bit making for longer days and less sleep.At least she had company the last half of the day and into the night.Hopefully, Mercury's injury will heal over the somewhat 'less difficult' terrain ahead.This is about ENDURANCE not speed!