Fifteenth day 7/21/20
START: Craig Creek VA621 4amFINISH: Black Horse Gap BRP97.7 12:10am54.8 miles 20:10 2.7mphTotal miles - 743.4 49.5 mpdHot with two thunderstorms (nearby Roanoke got to 100 degrees yesterday for the first time in eight years).Mercury flowed with the heat over Dragon's Tooth, through sweltering unshaded fields, over McAfee's Knob and Tinker Cliffs, getting a welcome soaking by two thunderstorms, and through the noisy Land of Neon before arriving at Black Horse Gap on the Blue Ridge Parkway accompanied by a noisy, lightning filled night sky but with no rain.She was here last December on the final miles of her first ever ultramarathon, the 66.6 mile Hellgate crafted by the legendary runner, and former LT, AT and PCT endurance record holder, David Horton.Her feet are sore but she liked the Twizzlers that Jupiter got her. This is a good place to be fifteen days out of Springer.